10 Simple, Productive Activities You Can Do When You Aren’t Motivated to Work

10 Simple and Productive Activities to Consider When Motivation Is Low

We have periods of time when motivation seems to slip through our fingers and getting stuff done is like climbing a mountain. The good news about all of this is that there are plenty of things you can do to fuel the fire and ensure it continues on, even when these days show up. Check out these 10 easy but effective things you can do when your motivation is low!

1. Organize Your Workspace

Cluttered space = Cluttered mind Sit down to clear out your desk, organize old documents and get rid of things you no longer need. When your work space is nice and tidy, you feel like everything should be right with the world.

2. Take a Short Walk

A short framing of things can make all the diff in perspective Take a quick walk around the block Get some fresh air to breathe, along with a little bit of non-strenuous movement that might also serve as inspiration for your creative project.

3. Do a Quick Online Course

Taking a short online course is an excellent way to learn something new without overburdening yourself. Learn more about something that interests you

4. Journal Your Thoughts

Writing is a great way to clear and focus our thoughts. How about you take a few minutes to write out your thoughts or brainstorm ideas on what goals that inspire me? It is the perfect step back to get a clearer view of your mindset and what you intend on doing moving forward.

5. Listen to a Podcast

It takes almost no effort to be entertained and informed through a podcast. Whatever your interest is, find a podcast for that. Personal development stories about stuff management?

6. Brew a Cup of Tea or Coffee

Brewing a comforting beverage is an enjoyable ritual. Make yourself a cup of your favorite tea or coffee and take 5 minutes to sit back in enjoyment. This small little action can be a good breather and make you feel refreshed.

7. Tackle a Small Chore

Sometimes, something as simple as getting the sink empty or decluttering just one drawer can be a significant mood booster. Those small wins can help keep us motivated and ready to tackle some of those larger tasks.

8. Exercise or Meditate

Throwing in a Monday morning stretch sesh will also give your mind time to relax! Take few minutes to breathe or do some light stretchingpress otherany muscular tension you may have, and then geton outengaged!

9. Connect with a Friend

Connecting with a friend can really help. Even just a few minutes of talking or texting back and forth can start an upward trend in your conversations, to show you are not alone in the issues that prosecute.

10. Set a Timer for Focused Work

As much as it might be the mood of today where you just want to get back into your zone, work still can sometimes feel terrifying. Simple set a timer for 10 to 15 minutes and start working on the item at hand. Not going to promise you that, once started, you will definitely not fizzle out and feel less motivated.


The occasional loss of motivation is par for the course, and remembering to engage with small but productive behaviors can be a real asset during these ebbs. This creates momentum to move back toward the higher levels of motivation by doing these simple things. Just baby stepping the next small step!

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